Saturday, January 30, 2010

Why eat just raw foods?

That is a very good question. I think mostly I'm doing it just to see what it's like and how I feel. I'm curious to see how it affects me. I think it is a healthy way to cleanse my body and after the horrible-ness I put my body through over the holidays, my body could use a cleanse.
I doubt that Joseph Smith, who received the Word of Wisdom, ate a raw diet. Frankly, I don't know if he ate meat sparingly. In those days, it would have been nearly impossible to eat a raw diet for obvious reasons. And I'm not trying to say that is what the Word of Wisdom says we should do, although eating raw foods certainly does not conflict with the Word of Wisdom.
Today, because of advanced technology, things are totally different. I've read a few books about eating raw foods and the benefit of this kind of diet. There are more and more scientific studies out there to support this diet as a nutritionally sound way to go. Personally, I just don't want to do it forever. I think there is a balance out there and that is the Word of Wisdom. Simply put, for whomever is interested, here are the reasons I am eating raw:
* I am curious about it
* To cleanse my body
* Maybe it will help me kick start my weight loss (one can only hope)
* Clear my head of bad food cravings
* Simplify my meals
* Eat things more in a way God intended his foods to be eaten (my opinion)

Now I understand to really, really accomplish these goals I should probably eat this way for a much longer time than I am actually going to do it. But I have to say for the few days I've been eating this way - I feel great! I've noticed that I never feel sluggish. I feel rather perky. (: I feel clear headed and not so weighed down. And I like this way of eating.

Just so you know, I don't think I will ever be a fanatic about these diets. I'll never be one of those who looks down on others for eating meat or rants and raves when offered a meat dish about the dangers of eating meat. I just want to put an end to my own personal craziness about food and I'm trying with all my heart to find out what is the truth here. I believe and have a testimony that the Word of Wisdom is true. We are to eat plant based foods and we are to eat meat sparingly (you will have to interpret that yourself). My son told me (he works for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) that many of the general authorities are vegetarian. They just quietly, not making a big deal about it, request those meals at functions. I believe that great benefits come from eating this way. I think it really is that easy. So that's what I'm after in the long run. That is the way I'll be eating for the rest of my life and I'm comfortable with that. I'm really happy about that. That's why I'm taking this year to study and work at this diet.
In time though, I think I would become bored with eating all my food raw. And right now, on this snowy, blowy, oh so cold winter day, a hot cup of vegetable soup sounds really good. I'll be starting to re-introduce those wonderful grains soon and I'm looking forward to it.
Again, thanks for asking the question, keep them coming...

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