Sunday, January 31, 2010

Day 19 - Jan. 30, 2010

My resolve to eat only raw foods vanished today, as I made my favorite soup. I had company and a potluck to prepare for on Sunday. All of a sudden, the raw foods craze disappeared as quickly as it had begun. Ha! I laugh at myself.
Well, here's the thing. We all know how serious these potlucks are. I mean, come on, your next calling could depend on just how good that dish is. Just kidding. You do gain in stature and respect though, if you bring something praiseworthy or of good report. (: Which means all recipes must be tasted before you can allow the winds of critical dining to have at it. So I sacrificed my raw food diet for the promise, well hope of being accepted at church with my soup offering. I know that sounds all wrong but in my little branch these 5th Sunday potlucks are BIG!
So I made the chicken with wild rice soup. I made some without the chicken for myself, but it definitely took me off raw foods. I must admit it was a good way to end my short term lifestyle. I'll be back to the raw food diet soon though, because I really liked eating that way.
Other than that, I'm still full steam (ahhhh, love those hot soups) ahead on eating the Word of Wisdom way!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Why eat just raw foods?

That is a very good question. I think mostly I'm doing it just to see what it's like and how I feel. I'm curious to see how it affects me. I think it is a healthy way to cleanse my body and after the horrible-ness I put my body through over the holidays, my body could use a cleanse.
I doubt that Joseph Smith, who received the Word of Wisdom, ate a raw diet. Frankly, I don't know if he ate meat sparingly. In those days, it would have been nearly impossible to eat a raw diet for obvious reasons. And I'm not trying to say that is what the Word of Wisdom says we should do, although eating raw foods certainly does not conflict with the Word of Wisdom.
Today, because of advanced technology, things are totally different. I've read a few books about eating raw foods and the benefit of this kind of diet. There are more and more scientific studies out there to support this diet as a nutritionally sound way to go. Personally, I just don't want to do it forever. I think there is a balance out there and that is the Word of Wisdom. Simply put, for whomever is interested, here are the reasons I am eating raw:
* I am curious about it
* To cleanse my body
* Maybe it will help me kick start my weight loss (one can only hope)
* Clear my head of bad food cravings
* Simplify my meals
* Eat things more in a way God intended his foods to be eaten (my opinion)

Now I understand to really, really accomplish these goals I should probably eat this way for a much longer time than I am actually going to do it. But I have to say for the few days I've been eating this way - I feel great! I've noticed that I never feel sluggish. I feel rather perky. (: I feel clear headed and not so weighed down. And I like this way of eating.

Just so you know, I don't think I will ever be a fanatic about these diets. I'll never be one of those who looks down on others for eating meat or rants and raves when offered a meat dish about the dangers of eating meat. I just want to put an end to my own personal craziness about food and I'm trying with all my heart to find out what is the truth here. I believe and have a testimony that the Word of Wisdom is true. We are to eat plant based foods and we are to eat meat sparingly (you will have to interpret that yourself). My son told me (he works for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) that many of the general authorities are vegetarian. They just quietly, not making a big deal about it, request those meals at functions. I believe that great benefits come from eating this way. I think it really is that easy. So that's what I'm after in the long run. That is the way I'll be eating for the rest of my life and I'm comfortable with that. I'm really happy about that. That's why I'm taking this year to study and work at this diet.
In time though, I think I would become bored with eating all my food raw. And right now, on this snowy, blowy, oh so cold winter day, a hot cup of vegetable soup sounds really good. I'll be starting to re-introduce those wonderful grains soon and I'm looking forward to it.
Again, thanks for asking the question, keep them coming...

Day 18 - Jan. 29, 2010

Today is my 3rd day of eating raw. I thought it would be much harder than it actually is. Today, I wasn't so hungry. I didn't feel the urge to eat most of the day. Maybe that was because of the limited fresh/raw food I had. Ha! I found myself not thinking about food as much. I certainly had no cravings. I did want to change things up a bit so I decided to make this recipe which I found on It was a brownie recipe made from nuts. It even had a frosting made from cashews. I was so curious about it and today seemed a good day to try them. They turned out really good. No, they were not like regular brownies, but they were chocolate-y and very good. The consistency of desserts like these are almost more like candy because you don't cook them. They were so rich I could only stomach a few. I made another large salad for dinner and was perfectly satisfied. I must say I ended the day with three more brownie bites and applauded myself for a successful day.
I did jog again but my knee was bothering me and I had quite a few interruptions so I don't know how good of a workout I really got. I'm concerned about my knee, but as I get more weight off, I think it will make a huge difference.

Friday, January 29, 2010


I am so excited!!!
Something just happened that I can hardly believe. I just took a shower. No, that is not the miracle, ha. But what is a miracle (or close to it for me) is that my hair didn't fall out so much. Maybe that is no big deal to the world of thick haired people, but to me that is HUGE! For years I've been losing a lot of hair when I take a shower. And it got so bad one time (over the holidays) that I would run my hand through my hair as I was showering and gobs came out in my hand. It choked up the drain so that the water couldn't get through, always. I used to have so much thicker hair and now it is so thin, especially on the sides that, well let's just say - it is very sad.
But today, I had a tiny bit of hair in the drain after my shower and I didn't have to remove hair several times during my shower to let the water drain out. Wahooooo!
I don't know why this is and whether I will be able to keep more of my lovely locks in the future. Maybe it is because I'm not so horribly stressed out right now and maybe it is because I'm feeling more positive about life. Or maybe it is because I'm eating so much better. It is probably a combination of all of those things. But it must be I'm on the right track. I have heard over and over that hair and nails are a good indication of one's general health.
Now if I can just grow back what I lost, I might be able to have a pony tail once in awhile this summer. Oh, the possibilities are endless - Yay!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 17 - Jan. 28, 2010

I won't go into all the boring details of what I ate today. Pretty much I ate just like yesterday. I ate all raw, except for those canned peaches, peanut butter and the salad dressing I used tonight on my salad. I felt really good. I was able to jog for 50 minutes today. I still think I got a good workout because I could feel it in my legs and I was really sweaty. Ha!
I don't think I am going to be able to keep with the raw only diet for long though. It just isn't economical right now for me to do that. I need to add some frozen foods and grains to stretch the raw stuff out a bit. I'm going through my supplies pretty fast. I'll see how that goes.
My salad tonight had a tomato and an avocado on it. I need to work on recipes for healthier salad dressings. I used a ranch dressing tonight which wasn't so good for me, but it sure was tasty!
All in all, I am pleasantly surprised how satisfied I feel. I don't feel any cravings or like I'm missing out on anything. I do feel full and fulfilled. Yeah, I know, I'm only on day two of raw food. It will be interesting to see if it gets easier or harder and more boring.
One of the things I love about this way of eating is the ease of preparing my food. There is virtually little if any clean up and it is just a matter of chopping and putting stuff together. How easy is that? My concern is that I would really get tired of eating this way. I need to do some more research on raw food recipes. But the studying I have done, calls for dehydrators and some other gadgets that I can't afford right now. Ho hum, I'll just make due as best I can. I know Heavenly Father made this diet for everyone not just the rich among us.

Day 16 - Jan. 27, 2010

Today I began eating just raw foods. Well, as close to raw as I could. For breakfast I had a banana and a spinach shake.
2 big handfuls of spinach
1 can of peaches in pear juice
2 c. water
I added a little too much spinach because there wasn't very much of a peach taste to it, but I drank it anyway and it wasn't bad. But I didn't have fresh peaches so that was the one thing all day that didn't fall in the "fresh" category.
After that I got busy with my day and in the mid afternoon I felt really hungry. Now I can't afford a lot of fresh food. I mean I bought bags of salad and a big bag of spinach, celery, carrots, 1 green pepper, red onions, 2 cucumbers, a few apples, some tangelos, oranges and grapefruit. Those are just the average everyday kind of fruits and veggies, nothing fancy.
So my fear was how to get some substance. Without grains, bread, crackers (I try to keep some whole grain crackers around for munching and snacking), oatmeal, rice, etc. I am worried I'll never feel satisfied eating this way. I ended up having an apple with my natural peanut butter (the other not fresh thing that I ate). The apple was amazing (thank heavens) and I love my peanut butter. After that, I was feeling full and very satisfied.
I took off to run some errands. I got home after 6:00 but wasn't particularly hungry feeling and not really looking forward to dinner. I decided I would have a salad and that just didn't sound so good to me. Boring...
But then I started pulling out anything I could find that I normally don't put in my salads. I took an apple and sliced almonds and lots of onion and then the other obvious veggies. My salad was delicious and very satisfying. It turned out a little bigger than I needed. It took me forever to eat it all, but that's not so bad. I really did enjoy it. Surprised the heck out of me. Ha!
I went to bed feeling better physically and emotionally. Not a bad reward for giving up all the "good stuff" for a day.
Oh and I jogged on my little tramp. I remembered that it usually took 30 min. to run 2 miles and so that is what I did. I noticed if I jogged moving my legs in the same position that I would have outside on the road, I got a great workout. I was all sweaty and had to work on my breathing. It was more normal to lift my knees and I had to keep correcting myself to go back to a jogging stance. I really felt it in my legs. I also held weights for part of it. I am going pretty easy to see how my knees do. We'll see, but it is a start. Yay!
My new motto --- Fifty-nine and lookin' fine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Days 12-15, Jan.23-26, 2010

Oh good gracious! No one really cares about the boring aspects of this diet. I don't either except that it needs to be said what a horrible job for the most part I am doing at this way of life. (:
I've been busy so I haven't entered data or feelings in awhile. Let me just get this out of the way. So I can remember and document.
On day 12 I had my first totally meatless day. Wahoo! My son in law brought home a Pizza Hut pizza for dinner which reminded me, sadly I admit, just how good life can be. It is my favorite brand of pizza due to its flaky but greasy yummy crust. Boy do I love that stuff. It was a mushroom pizza and it was fantastic. My mouth waters and I want to run right out and get another one.
The 13th day was a Sunday and after church I grabbed my three granddaughters and rushed to the airport to pick up their mommy. Oh course, about 5 minutes on the road, Maddie said she had to go to the bathroom reeeeeeeaaaaaaally badly but I couldn't stop and so after we picked up Megan we just had to stop at the golden arches so she could go. Meg hadn't eaten all day and was starved along with the rest of us. I had a cheeseburger. Again, my downfall. I love that fried value-less stuff that is NOT good for you. Guilt, deep abiding guilt and oh, how I have to repent about spending money on Sunday! But more about that later.
On the 14th day, I headed toward home stopping at another daughter's house so I could babysit for them and check in. You know, break up the long 2.5 hr. drive home. Ha! She made chili for dinner. I ended up fasting all day until that meal. I had the chili and a grilled cheese sandwich. I don't know how dangerous it is to have such emotional attachments to foods. Mmmm, grilled cheese and soup of any kind are definitely comfort foods for me. I just don't have the same feelings toward bananas and grapefruit, try as I may. Well, the chili didn't have a lot of meat in it so I feel like that wasn't too bad and to be honest the chili was spicy, just right and so good! I loved it.
That leaves the 15th day. I wrestled all day with the impulse to go out to eat. I wanted another hamburger so badly. I was traveling home and had to stop and shop for food (healthy) and so I wasn't home until after the dinner hour. I ate a late breakfast which consisted of salad and 1/2 a peanut butter sandwich (whole wheat bread and natural peanut butter - the only kind I'll eat, just so you know). So I felt like I had done well for the day and deserved to eat out...just one more time. It is always "just one more time."

Then as I was driving and thinking, I realized that as much as my head tells me this is the right thing to do and my heart is pretty close to backing it up, I haven't really committed to this lifestyle. Not really. Still, after all the studying and praying and pondering, it is difficult to do this 100%. I am sorry to say that I have not been totally honest with myself. What is obvious now to see is that I still long for the other foods and don't really want to live this lifestyle. What I want is an easy fix and to be able to do whatever I want to do with no consequences at all. I want to eat chocolate and hamburgers and pie and cookies and meat and potatoes and look skinny and feel fine and be healthy. I'm just not wanting to do what it takes to make a real difference here. So sad, but so true.
And yet, I see a woman standing just over there. She is the person I want to be. She IS healthy and she DOES eat what is good for her body. She DOES exercise and she is happy, really happy.
So what I realized, as I was driving yesterday, is that in so many aspects of our lives we have no control. Eating whatever I want seems to give me control and lets me do whatever I want but in reality eating and binging and letting my emotions take control of my eating habits is not having control but is chaos. Having control over my emotional eating and setting boundaries for myself in this regard will give me the freedom and liberation I am really after. Does that make sense?
I have fooled myself into believing that doing whatever I want is real freedom, but it isn't, not really, no way.
Getting control over my emotional eating is freedom because it will lead me to my best self, the person standing just over there that I really want to be and she is unstoppable. She can do anything. She can withstand all the foods that make her sick to death!
So...after I thought about that I realized how disappointed I would be if I caved into those cravings. I thought about the setback of one more day unrealized. Then I started thinking about what I could replace those cravings with. I thought about all the alternatives. Macaroni and cheese, another comfort food for me, sounded so good and it was meatless, although not particularly healthy but better than a hamburger, fries and all the other fast food choices. I told myself to hang on and when I got home I would let myself have macaroni and cheese. I continued my travels confident that I had at least fought this battle and won, that today I could count myself one more day closer to becoming "her."

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day 11 - Jan. 22, 2010

Wow, eleven days. I'm still eating too much meat. Right now I am taking care of my daughter's three girlies while she is at a conference far, far away. Because I am a guest in someone else's home I don't feel the freedom to change their diet to match mine.
It is so interesting to me because a few years ago I would have thought nothing of the diet they are on. Meat at every meal. It is the way I raised my family. I used to try to come up with some meatless meals once in awhile but for the most part mac and cheese was about all I could think of. Boy, have I changed.
So I have compromised my eating for this week. I have eaten a big salad before each meal and skipped the meat when possible. On this particular day the menu called for chicken rolls. I had never made them before. I used less than a cup of chicken for this recipe and chopped it very fine, then mixed it with onions and cream cheese. I wrapped it in those biscuits in a can and baked them perfectly to a golden brown. So the white, way over processed biscuits were a real no-no on top of the other. Well, you cover that in gravy and you've got a main dish. I have to say that all this processed stuff tastes mighty good. So sad. We had organic mixed veggies along with it and they tasted so fantastic to me. I think I could have feasted on that for most of my meal. I took a large portion of the veggies and ate that along with the salad first...slowly. I still managed to consume two of the chicken rolls. Too much food!!!!!
So my conclusion is that I have to do something quite drastic to get my portions under control. So here's what I'm going to do.
First, I'm going to fast for a day. And during that fast I will be praying and praying for help and inspiration. That will begin to shrink my stomach.
Second, for the next three days I am going to package all my meals in the morning for the whole day. When that food is gone, my eating is done for the day. And if I am tempted at night to eat, I'm just going to bed!!!
I have a potluck on Sunday so that kind of messes up what I want to do ultimately which is to eat all raw food for a week. I think that will automatically help me to limit my consumption. Maybe I'll just take a sack lunch with me to the potluck. (I hate potlucks) The only problem is that I have committed to bring my all time favorite soup to this social. I'm not sure my self discipline is strong enough yet to first make it and then watch everyone else devour it.
I am sure that Heavenly Father intended for us to eat foods as close to their natural state as possible, so I would like to be able to get as close to eating that way as possible. I want to see how I feel after just one week. Then the hope is that I will be able to continue.
My personal weight loss goal is to lose 2 pounds a week. If I can maintain that then I will be down to my goal weight by the end of June. (just in time for summer - yay!)
I started at 188, so I think I'm still on schedule. Whew!

After I get my portions more realistic and healthy, I'll start to concentrate on the physical exercise. For now, my head is so focused on the food, food, FOOD! (and yes, I do know that exercise is supposed to help with that, but for now...sometimes it is a horrible thing to have so much knowledge and to have a higher consciousness of right and wrong. Ahhh, to be ignorant and blissful again - HA!)

Friday, January 22, 2010


I HATE TO EXERCISE. Just let me repeat that. I HATE TO EXERCISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know that is a terrible thing to say, but I really do. And quite frankly I get kind of sick to my stomach when I hear others saying how much they love it. Well maybe not sick, just jealous. It took me a long time, months and months to actually get to the place that I loved to run. And I did get there...eventually. Ahhh, those were the good times. (And I am sure I was one of those obnoxious people because I couldn't stop talking about all the benefits and how wonderful it was to be running - so annoying to some, I am sure) I started running when I was 59 years old. I never, ever thought I could do that.
I was in UT visiting my oldest son and my next oldest son came for a visit. He told me I HAD to start running. I had never run in my whole life so at 59, well, that didn't seem to be the right time to start. But he got me out there and I thought I was going to die. Really, I couldn't get my breath and I thought that that residential subdivision would be the last view I had of life. But I didn't die. And he reminded me that I WAS breathing. Within weeks I was running a full mile without stopping and then shortly after, 2 miles! It was a miracle. I still hated to do it, but when I got done I felt incredible. Like I had accomplished the most fantastic and amazing thing. It was a real high. I felt so good about myself. I kept on running two miles a day and four miles once a week for a long time. Then my knee started to swell. It swelled up quite big and was painful. I had no choice but to stop. I waited for it to heal. It took a long time. I got out of the routine and was afraid it would cause permanent damage to begin again. So I haven't exercised for a long, long time, months.
Maybe I'm just lazy. I watch the "Biggest Loser" and watch them sweat and push through the pain and think, that does not look like fun.
Aw man, I have to get going on that aspect. And now it is winter and that makes walks near impossible where I live. You sow what you reap and I'm reaping a bigger tummy and thicker thighs - not exactly the look I'm after...

Day 10 - Jan. 21, 2010

Yesterday was kind of unusual because most days I do exceptionally well all day until dinnertime comes and then when I am assaulted by all the yumminess I am making for everyone else, I cave. But yesterday found me eating stuff I usually don't all day long and then at dinnertime I did pretty well although I have to admit I ate too much.
So I started out eating a grapefruit (good for me) and then Ally wanted some raisin bread. I decided to have one myself which started the ball rolling in the wrong direction. Maddie came in and wanted one too so I made one for her. Then Ally wanted another one (whoa, that is a lot for her, I thought to myself) and true to a women's disposition, she changed her mind. So of course I couldn't waste it and ate it myself. Already that was two pieces of bread.
Now wheat is for man, so the W.ofW. states but that bread is wheat and fat and sugar and lots of other things that are not so good for me. So an occasional piece of good for you whole wheat bread is perfectly fine, but cinnamon raisin toast with lots of melted yummy butter - I don't think so.
For lunch I had to make spaghetti noodles for Ally because she loves them and we had leftover spaghetti sauce. I thought of my childhood and the volumes of noodles I ate with parmesan cheese and butter. It called to me and I caved..again. The noodles were white and well, I'm sure I don't have to tell you how good that was for me.
Now dinner was going to be tacos. I skipped the taco meat and stuck with the beans and cheese. I also made healthy guacamole from scratch and I devoured that. The sad thing is that try as I may to put lots of lime or lemon juice with the avocado, I cannot stop the brown yuckiness from occurring. So I just made myself eat all the rest of that avocado.
I am somewhat limited of what I can eat here. I am a guest at someone else's home and I don't want to totally exclude myself from their white flour and processed food meals. I haven't quite found the strength to do that yet. I did come somewhat prepared and tried to bring some foods that I knew were "safe" for me to eat. But all and all I did good on some and I fell short on others. That seems to be kind of normal for me.
I'm getting closer to becoming who I want to be, though. I see the vision.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day 9 - Jan. 20, 2010

My diet is not something I really want to have to think about all of the time. I don't want food to be on my mind ALL the time. I want to be that kind of person that has a casual relationship with food not hot and heavy with it all the time. I know it is the whole "eat to live not live to eat." That's what I'm striving for.
That is also one of the things I love the most about the Word of Wisdom. It puts food in the right perspective. I don't think God is very happy about the food industry. I don't think he likes all the preservatives and he must get a chuckle out of watching us eat things that are so commercially dictated with pictures of Dora and Spongebob. I mean that really food in the first place?
Just look at those beautiful fruits and veggies. They are the subject of great works of art and nothing can ever be so good, really!
Just to report...
I did fairly well again until the night time. I was so proud that I didn't eat much dinner (I made chicken divan). But later I had crackers and cheese and another bag of popcorn. I've got to STOP doing that.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 8 - Jan. 19, 2010

Yesterday, I ate pretty well. I did have one piece of cherry pie, which Suz agreed upon. We went out for lunch and I actually ordered a salad. And I was so pleasantly surprised to find it was fantastic! So I didn't feel left out or deprived (there come those feelings again).
Today, I was feeling down and I so wanted to scarf down the rest of that pie, contest or no contest. I just wanted to eat and eat and eat. I wish that when I was depressed or down I had the opposite reaction to food. I wish I totally LOST my appetite, not found it as I do now! I even took the pie out of the frig and opened it up. My senses were accosted by the pleasant aroma of cherry pie and all the sentimental attachment to that lovely dessert played havoc with my resolve. I closed it up and gave Sonny an ultimatum to eat it or throw it out. Luckily, effentually, he put me out of my misery.
So I feasted on celery sticks with peanut butter and triscuits with pepper jack cheese and at night because I really thought I was going to go crazy, low fat microwave popcorn. Yeah, none of it was as good as that cherry pie smelled but it got me through. Sonny and I watched a movie that took my mind away from the food groups and that helped too. Whew!
I know this will get easier.
I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...

Day 7 - Jan. 18, 2010

I've been trying to eat the Word of Wisdom for one week and here is the wisdom I've gained in that short one week:
1) It is not hard physically but it is hard to eat this way emotionally.
I have emotional attachments to food. I believe with all my heart that the Word of Wisdom means to eat foods (as much as possible) in their most nutritious and natural state, like right off the vine and soon after they have been picked. I love hot food and processed food and fried food and...and... But it is so easy to pick up a banana, a pepper, etc. and eat it. Emotionally it just isn't as satisfying.
2) I don't listen to my body when it tells me it is full. I eat slowly enough to have the chance for my body to tell me when it is full but I don't listen to it. Again, it is an emotional thing.
3) Last Sunday we were learning about the creation in Sunday School class. I was fascinated by this scripture which further supports the Word of Wisdom: Moses 2: 29, "And I, God said unto man: Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree in the which shall be the fruit of a tree yielding seed: to you it shall be for meat." It says the same thing in Genesis and Abraham.
4) Last but not least...This is definitely going to be an emotional journey for me, full of self examinations and hard won battles of mind over matter.

Day 6 - Jan. 17, 2010

Okay, so dinner party # 2 is over and I didn't do quite so well this time. Up until dinner time I did very well. And during the meal I DID so well! I filled my plate with a huge salad and it took me the entire dinner to eat it. But it wasn't filling...just some lettuce and veggies. I took a very little portion of lasagna and 1 piece of bread. I was pretty happy with myself. And then after everyone left I sat down with another modest piece of lasagna and another piece of bread. Argh! If I could just quit eating. Well, my pants are still tight and I'm dreading looking in any mirrors but for the most part I'm sticking with the Word of Wisdom. That is good. In fact, I feel like I have so many choices that I am not lacking with variety or bored with my eating. I've accepted that and feel so comfortable with my plant based diet. I'm pretty happy about that. I really want to get my weight down too, though, because I feel so much better at a lighter weight.
I know, I know I need to exercise and eat LESS! Ha!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Day 5

Well dinner party #1 is over and I didn't do too badly. I decided to skip having dessert. It isn't good for any of us and I didn't feel like trying to do something healthy so that helped me stay a little closer to on track.
I made pot roast, one of my favorites and it went over well. It was great. I had a small portion of meat and the smallest potato I could find. I tried to have more green beans proportionately than any other parts of the meal. So all and all, I think it went okay.
I still feel so incredibly fat but I have to hang in there. One day at a time, right?

Day 4 - working it

I did so well. I enjoyed my food and thought consciously about what I was eating. That felt good and then as if I had won and been awarded some special prize that said "this will not count against you" came to me, I blew it at dinner.
We made pizza. I could eat pizza every night, I think, and still look forward to it the next day. I carefully made a pizza without meat. I piled the veggies on it, mushrooms, black olives, onions and green peppers. Mmmmm, it looked so yummy! I used less cheese than I usually do.
And then I spied the leftover dough. I grabbed it without waiting to examine my feelings or intentions and made it into a buttery, garlic, truly addictive pan of breadsticks. Yep, it done me in.
I could not get enough of it. I tried, but failed.
And when my own gorgeous pizza was done, I carefully cut off just a portion of it, being oh so careful not to overindulge. But I had waaaaaay too many breadsticks and then two extra slivers of pizza besides.
I came so have botched it at the end. So I jogged on the mini trampoline for 30 minutes. I sure hope it helped.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Day 3 - Finding myself deep in meat

Today I face a new challenge. How to cook scrumptious meals without meat? I have company this weekend and because I don't have any good recipes that I know are presentable, I have returned to meat full meals. Ack!
So I made spaghetti with meat in it which in a few days I will make lasagna with. And tomorrow the Elders are coming over for dinner and I'm making pot roast.
In my defense, last night I ate a huge salad before I ate the spaghetti and that is what I will do with each of these meat full meals I'm making in the future. I have two different dinner parties this weekend. I've got to figure out some really, really good recipes (no fail) for when company comes over!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day 2 - Not such a good day

I'm really struggling today. I keep thinking about pizza. I want to run out and get one so badly. Ha! I don't know how I'm ever going to make it to day 365. I don't know what is wrong with me. I still haven't eaten anything that is not on the "should eat" list but I'm eating all the time. I can't seem to stop and my stomach is feeling the effect of that.
I think it is time to pray for some help and get back to my veggie soup.
I can't look too far into the future...I have to take this a day at a time. It is a huge deal to change a lifestyle. I've been eating the wrong things and the wrong way for over 50 yrs. A large part of that has been emotional, so to give it up is going to take some time and effort.
I still want to do it so badly. I want to be healthy, I want to be healthy, I want to be healthy, I want to be healthy...
Yeah, I want to be healthy!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What to Eat ---- Day 1

I studied the Word of Wisdom and did some research online. I have a lot more of studying and praying to do. I'm not finished with that aspect of this program. But for now it is pretty straight forward.
Really it is that simple.
All wholesome herbs
Every herb in the season thereof
Every fruit in the season thereof
Flesh of the beasts and of the fowls of the air...sparingly...used only in times of winter, or of cold, or famine.
All grain, to be the staff of life
Fruit of the vine, whether in the ground or above the ground
Wheat for man
And it is repeated several times that these are to be used with thanksgiving!

So like I said, plants - pretty much anything edible that is not poisonous.
Well, that leaves me with a lot of variety.
I am thinking also, that the more raw plants I can eat the better that will be for me. I need to eat them in their most nutritious and natural state. I need to start sprouting. I know that if you can eat plants that are alive you can get the most nutrition out of them.
I can see a few problems here for me personally. I like hot food and that isn't as healthy. But this is certainly going to be easy to prepare and shop for.

Years ago, my husband and I studied with a clinic of Seventh Day Adventists. They have a unique diet also. They told us that they try to eat as they would have in the Garden of Eden. They believe that someday they will be back in that kind of environment, like that is what heaven will be like so they need to practice eating like that now. I have never forgotten that. It makes sense.

So how did I do today? I did well as far as the kind of food I ate. But as far as weight reduction goes I ate far too much.
For breakfast I had 1/2 a peanut butter sandwich. (that was natural pb on whole wheat bread)
For lunch I had 2 bowls of homemade vegetable soup (it has a little bit of beef in it) and whole wheat bread and multi grain crackers.
For dinner I had salad greens with some cheese and celery with peanut butter and raisins. I also had some almond butter.
I really ate way too much. I need to work on proportion size and shrink my stomach.
I also need to pray and think about dairy products. There are tons of research out there that says it is very bad for you. I have cut out milk as a drink, but giving up eggs, cheese and butter are difficult for me. I have heard one opinion that part of the reason eating animals is against the word of wisdom is because animals have souls. Well, using their milk and by-products from that doesn't seem wrong then. But if it is unhealthy for me, I need to find a way to give it up. For now, however, I don't see a need for that. I'll keep thinking about that one.

I feel much more at peace for eating like this. I don't carry the guilt of fueling my body with a bunch of junk. I have decided to try to eat at home this year and not go out for meals. I'm not sure I can do that, but I will at least limit my meals out. That has always been one of my favorite things to do so that is a big sacrifice for me. The other thing is I've decided to do is go to bed earlier. I think this will help my night time eating habits. I get tired and tend to fall asleep in the evening anyway. Why not just go to bed? I am starting tonight. To bed by 9:00. And I will make myself get up when I wake up!

So much of this has to do with making plans. When I know I may be in a tricky situation I merely need to bring my food with me. Like those birthday parties, I brought my own sugar free cookies. It worked really well.
That's it for now. See you tomorrow.
Heaven help me...

Monday, January 11, 2010

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Heaven help me!

Okay, so I'm no nutritionist or dietitian. I'm just an ordinary person that has had a weight problem most of my life. Since my wedding day and after having six children, I gained a total of 83 lbs. I've lost some of that, thankfully, over the last 5 years, but I still feel like a total failure in this aspect of my life. I have bought diet books and videos and DVDs of most every diet on the market over the years. Nothing has worked permanently for me. My story is no different than so many others. What is different about my story from many others is that all this time I have had a diet available to me that I have totally overlooked and ignored.
Today I turn to my scriptures. I am turning to the place I should have been looking all along; Doctrine and Covenants, Section 89. In this section you will find the Lord's diet and there are some pretty amazing promises at the end of it.
I am challenging myself to live this diet (I"ll call it the Mormon Diet) for one year. I am using this year to see if the promises are real and if I can finally get to that place I have always longed to be: HEALTHY!

Step One-
Study, ponder and pray about this important scripture to receive as much inspiration as I can about what I should eat.
I'll be making a list tomorrow.

A few stats...
I am 5' 5.5"
I weigh 188 lbs.
I have diabetes, a few allergies (dust, mold), otherwise in good health
Last spring I began running/jogging but in Aug. my knee started swelling up so I haven't done much exercise since.
I'm 59 years old.
I'm currently unemployed. I used to be a stay at home mom and then a teacher.
I have six children/13 grandchildren
I am single (been single for 14 yrs.)
I have been a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for 32 years.

Now, today the challenge begins.
Can I stay on the Lord's diet for 1 year and will I be blessed with the promises listed in Section 89 of the Doctrine and Covenants????