Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day 11 - Jan. 22, 2010

Wow, eleven days. I'm still eating too much meat. Right now I am taking care of my daughter's three girlies while she is at a conference far, far away. Because I am a guest in someone else's home I don't feel the freedom to change their diet to match mine.
It is so interesting to me because a few years ago I would have thought nothing of the diet they are on. Meat at every meal. It is the way I raised my family. I used to try to come up with some meatless meals once in awhile but for the most part mac and cheese was about all I could think of. Boy, have I changed.
So I have compromised my eating for this week. I have eaten a big salad before each meal and skipped the meat when possible. On this particular day the menu called for chicken rolls. I had never made them before. I used less than a cup of chicken for this recipe and chopped it very fine, then mixed it with onions and cream cheese. I wrapped it in those biscuits in a can and baked them perfectly to a golden brown. So the white, way over processed biscuits were a real no-no on top of the other. Well, you cover that in gravy and you've got a main dish. I have to say that all this processed stuff tastes mighty good. So sad. We had organic mixed veggies along with it and they tasted so fantastic to me. I think I could have feasted on that for most of my meal. I took a large portion of the veggies and ate that along with the salad first...slowly. I still managed to consume two of the chicken rolls. Too much food!!!!!
So my conclusion is that I have to do something quite drastic to get my portions under control. So here's what I'm going to do.
First, I'm going to fast for a day. And during that fast I will be praying and praying for help and inspiration. That will begin to shrink my stomach.
Second, for the next three days I am going to package all my meals in the morning for the whole day. When that food is gone, my eating is done for the day. And if I am tempted at night to eat, I'm just going to bed!!!
I have a potluck on Sunday so that kind of messes up what I want to do ultimately which is to eat all raw food for a week. I think that will automatically help me to limit my consumption. Maybe I'll just take a sack lunch with me to the potluck. (I hate potlucks) The only problem is that I have committed to bring my all time favorite soup to this social. I'm not sure my self discipline is strong enough yet to first make it and then watch everyone else devour it.
I am sure that Heavenly Father intended for us to eat foods as close to their natural state as possible, so I would like to be able to get as close to eating that way as possible. I want to see how I feel after just one week. Then the hope is that I will be able to continue.
My personal weight loss goal is to lose 2 pounds a week. If I can maintain that then I will be down to my goal weight by the end of June. (just in time for summer - yay!)
I started at 188, so I think I'm still on schedule. Whew!

After I get my portions more realistic and healthy, I'll start to concentrate on the physical exercise. For now, my head is so focused on the food, food, FOOD! (and yes, I do know that exercise is supposed to help with that, but for now...sometimes it is a horrible thing to have so much knowledge and to have a higher consciousness of right and wrong. Ahhh, to be ignorant and blissful again - HA!)

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