Friday, January 22, 2010

Day 10 - Jan. 21, 2010

Yesterday was kind of unusual because most days I do exceptionally well all day until dinnertime comes and then when I am assaulted by all the yumminess I am making for everyone else, I cave. But yesterday found me eating stuff I usually don't all day long and then at dinnertime I did pretty well although I have to admit I ate too much.
So I started out eating a grapefruit (good for me) and then Ally wanted some raisin bread. I decided to have one myself which started the ball rolling in the wrong direction. Maddie came in and wanted one too so I made one for her. Then Ally wanted another one (whoa, that is a lot for her, I thought to myself) and true to a women's disposition, she changed her mind. So of course I couldn't waste it and ate it myself. Already that was two pieces of bread.
Now wheat is for man, so the W.ofW. states but that bread is wheat and fat and sugar and lots of other things that are not so good for me. So an occasional piece of good for you whole wheat bread is perfectly fine, but cinnamon raisin toast with lots of melted yummy butter - I don't think so.
For lunch I had to make spaghetti noodles for Ally because she loves them and we had leftover spaghetti sauce. I thought of my childhood and the volumes of noodles I ate with parmesan cheese and butter. It called to me and I caved..again. The noodles were white and well, I'm sure I don't have to tell you how good that was for me.
Now dinner was going to be tacos. I skipped the taco meat and stuck with the beans and cheese. I also made healthy guacamole from scratch and I devoured that. The sad thing is that try as I may to put lots of lime or lemon juice with the avocado, I cannot stop the brown yuckiness from occurring. So I just made myself eat all the rest of that avocado.
I am somewhat limited of what I can eat here. I am a guest at someone else's home and I don't want to totally exclude myself from their white flour and processed food meals. I haven't quite found the strength to do that yet. I did come somewhat prepared and tried to bring some foods that I knew were "safe" for me to eat. But all and all I did good on some and I fell short on others. That seems to be kind of normal for me.
I'm getting closer to becoming who I want to be, though. I see the vision.


  1. I quite a kick out of that. Thanks! It does sound like it was a rather difficult eating day. I hope today goes better! What do you want Monday? I'll try to have some healthy stuff available for you!

  2. You are too, too kind. Actually, it is my problem and duty to get a handle on it all. What I need to do is just limit my intake. I think you can pretty much have a little of anything and it won't hurt you. It is having a lot that kills me. Don't sweat about it. I can always have my pb.
