Monday, February 22, 2010

Days 38-41 - Feb. 18-21, 2010

I went out of town. I stayed with my daughter and I did pretty well. I ate with them and tried not to over indulge. I did make one huge blunder. I went to a fast food drive through and caved when I was really hungry. I didn't suffer any major reprecussions other than emotionally feeling like I let myself down.
Yesterday, I started again in earnest. I'm feeling better than ever!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day 37 - Feb. 17, 2010

I know this is so boring. I wish I hadn't told anyone I was journeling about this. Today, I had the turkey dinner leftovers (I sent all the rest of the leftovers home with my family, but kept one plateful). I couldn't finish it. It made me kind of sick. So I threw most of it away. Even the stuffing just didn't do it for me. So I had something much more healthier, a hot dog. Ack! And meanwhile two bags of salad are rotting in the frig. What is up with that? Sometimes, somedays, I just feel kind of hopeless.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Days 33-36 - Feb.13 - 16, 2010

I've been pretty busy lately. I haven't written in awhile. I made a big turkey dinner for Valentine's Day. It seemed appropriate. I loved the smell in the house and it reminded me of many happy times feasting around a table with loved ones, laughing and talking...
My granddaughter said it was sad that a turkey had to die for us to have it for dinner. I thought she was really right about that. What used to be my favorite meal was not such a pleasure this time. All I tasted was grease and all I could think of was that poor turkey living in some dark barn somewhere, never having any life at all so I could cook him up someday. I felt heavy and weighed down. I felt kind of sick after indulging in that meal although I really only took just a little meat.
In the beginning when I contemplated becoming a vegetarian or vegan, I always considered it the healthiest way to eat. I didn't care so much about the suffering of animals. I didn't think about that at all. But now, when I want to eat meat, I see all that suffering and cruelty and think I really don't want to be a part of that anymore. Not only is it not healthy to eat meat, I believe, it just isn't morally right either.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Day 32 - Feb. 12, 2010

Okay, so I had some meat today. Horrors! I had company and had to use up my turkey in the freezer. So I chopped it up really fine and mixed it in a gravy. I definitely can say I ate the meat sparingly so that was good. That meal was a real comfort food kind of meal. I don't really care anymore if I go without meat. I haven't craved a big juicy hamburger for quite a while. (ever since I started making my own veggie burgers, that is a blessing) Mashed potatoes with turkey and gravy is a real tastebud pleasing meal but I just felt bloated and uncomfortable afterwards. That is one thing, when I eat mostly fruits and veggies I never have that weighed down feeling. I always have more energy and feel lighter...all over.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Day 31 - Feb. 11, 2010

One of the things that impresses me about the Word of Wisdom is the use of the word "thanksgiving."
D&C 89 : 11 states, ..."all these to be used with prudence and thanksgiving."
D&C 89:12 says, ..."I, the Lord, have ordained for the use of man with thanksgiving..."

We must always remember to give thanks.
When I am in a group of people and it is time to eat, I always make sure we say a prayer. But when I am alone, I forget...a lot. That is so sad and I need to do better about that. Clearly it has been commanded that we eat with thanksgiving. Always, always we need to remember exactly where all this wonderful food came from and who is responsible for giving it to us. It is a very important part of eating.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day 30 - Feb. 10, 2010

Well, my water stopped coming. I was washing dishes and it just fizzled to nothing. Oops! Kind of scary. Yep, and that left me in a rather down mood. After ranting and raving (sorry Caitlyn) for just a little while I finally settled my brain on what to do with the matter and resolved myself to let happen what will happen. There were some positives about that. My pump had been abnormal for awhile and needed some attention anyway. It happened early enough in the week that I can hopefully get it taken care of by the weekend. And next week my income tax return comes so I can actually pay for it. Not exactly where I wanted my money to go right now, but at least I have some to pay for it. Whew!
Despite the immediate trial, I was pretty good to myself. I had my monthly visiting teaching get together and served some of the chocolate chip cookies I had made for Mon. night. I didn't eat any of them. The rest sat on the counter and stared at me all day. I was really tempted. I should have put them away but I was just a little rebellious and so I did the stare-down with those cookies all day. And my common sense won out for once. I did not partake of them, not a crumb, although the battle raged on all day. They are still sitting there waiting for my grandchildren.
I tried really hard not to let my emotions effect my eating. I did better than I expected. I ate an apple with peanut butter late in the evening which I had decided was a no-no for me. But it wasn't something so terribly bad for me. (I had gotten rid of that stuff earlier this week - Ha!)
I finished some things that needed to be done, that didn't take water. I got my new library book and just tried to relax and go with the flow, well, lack of flow. (:

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 29 - Feb. 9, 2010

Something in me snapped today. I don't know why. I got up early and started with a small amount of oatmeal that boiled over and made a mess on the stove. It was a job to clean it up and I was short on time. That kind of set the tone for the day, unfortunately...maybe? I went to volunteer at the art park again. I did some dorky stuff there which she said helped her out enormously. Well, that would be nice, if it did. I came home in another snow storm, but it wasn't bad. I missed the sunshine though and felt a kind of heaviness. I was starved when I got home and reached for the bread sticks I had made earlier this week, dipping them in the leftover pizza sauce. They tasted so yummy and it was downhill from there. I don't know why this day brought on the never ending eating but for some reason it just did. I went to bed after discovering that I had no water (I think my pump died) and with an extremely full tummy. Yup, I finished off the cheesecake. It was just too good and I was too selfish to leave it for the company coming this weekend. ARGH!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

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Day 28 - Feb. 8, 2010

So 28 days makes four weeks which makes, technically speaking, one month. Yay, for me! I am patting myself on the back because I am so much happier eating this way. I feel better although I do not see any HUGE differences. My weight is not coming down very fast but we all know why that is. Too much intake. (And I'm still eating fats, like butter and cheese.)
When I contemplated eating this way a long time ago, I was so discouraged about never having sweets again. (I love sweets and I know that is NOT a part of the WoW, letter of the law-wise) I just didn't think I could go for the whole package because I could not see myself never having something special at my birthday/holidays, etc. Well, I have been making treats for Family Home Evening and I am getting some fantastic desserts made with agave. I still should not eat a lot of it but I can have some without the guilt trip that usually accompanies such a treat. Last night I made New York style cheesecake and it was as good as any I've ever eaten in a restaurant. It was fabulous. So my list lengthens, adding one more yummy thing I don't have to ever give up!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Day 27 - Feb. 7, 2010

We had company for dinner. Caitlyn requested sloppy joe's for dinner. I didn't want the meat so I made veggie burgers. They started with lentils and I added onions, mushrooms, garlic, spinach, bread crumbs, walnuts, pepper, dry mustard. I was a little disappointed that they didn't stay together a little better, but I really liked the taste of them. And it was very filling. I made enough to freeze individual patties. When I get the urge for a hamburger, I'll just pull one out and heat it up. I am so happy about that. Everything else we had for dinner was "legal" (cucumbers, green beans, french fries - not too many) and I felt totally satisfied with my meal.
Because I am again having family home evening at my house tomorrow, I made a New York style cheesecake for tomorrow. It took a long time to cook but was an easy recipe to make. Caity and I snuck a tiny sliver just to see if it was any good. Oh man, I'm going to love this. The thing I really like about it is that it is made with agave. So it is legal for me. I'm going to take my dehydrated raspberries and make a little sauce with it to drizzle over the top. Yum!

Day 26 - Feb. 6, 2010

Now I feel alive again. It is like coming out of a hibernation of sorts. I didn't realize how the winter weather has confined me so much. In past years, I've walked outside through all kinds of weather. But where I live now, I am surrounded by heavily traveled roads and because of the snow, there are no shoulders to walk on, too dangerous. All of the nature trails are covered with so much snow they are impassable. So I have stayed in my house fighting my battle with food.
Today however, I volunteered at Legacy Art Park at Crystal Mountain. They were having a snowshoe event and I helped out. It was very cold and the wind was bitter, but the sun was shining and the sky was a perfect happy blue and it felt sooooooo good. It was so good for my soul and body. Near the end of my duty I took off on my snow shoes and hiked the trails. The sculptures were fun to see and the up and down of the trails were a workout on those thing-a-ma-jobbies. (: I came home happy that I had found such a fun place, helped out a worthy cause, gotten a little workout, and fed my nature hungry soul.
Didn't think about food. I passed up the hot chocolate and donuts. I made it home to eat a wholesome healthy lunch. Wahoooo! And at dinner time I made a fabulous veggie pizza and ate half of what I wanted to eat. Not a bad day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Day 25 - Feb. 5, 2010

To be honest with you I can't remember what I ate or even how I felt yesterday. Ha! Actually, I think that is a good thing because it means food wasn't my whole life...yesterday. I think part of this emotional bond I have with food will change as I get out and do more. I'm home a lot which I love, but food is always available and in my face (literally). Yesterday, I had more to do and didn't think so much about this whole aspect of my life. Hurray...moving right a long, getting closer and closer to who I want to be.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Day 24 - 2010

I'm losing the weight loss battle. Bread is my new enemy. I had some french bread last weekend that was so amazingly good. I couldn't stop eating it (horrors - white flour). And a few days ago, I had a craving for more. I have this mistaken mentality that for some reason I deserve to eat stuff like that because after all, I'm giving up sugar and meat and all that other bad stuff.... So I went to the store and found some pumpernickel bread (my favorite) and there sitting along side it was some marked down sour dough bread, a real deal. I bought it and now I have consumed most of the whole loaf. My regular healthy whole wheat bread has been in the frig for a long time because I eat a slice every once in awhile. But the artisan bread, I eat like an addict. I think I can eat the whole grains because they are so filling so I don't need to eat as much of them. And they are healthier for me anyway. What was I thinking? Okay, I just shouldn't allow that white stuff in the door.
Enemy number two is that I can't throw stuff away. Like when the kids come up I try to have them take the leftovers home but when stuff is left, I can't throw it away. I know I shouldn't eat the whole loaf of sour dough bread but it is wasteful to throw it away, I know it is waist filling. It goes against my "children are starving around the world so clean your plate" mentality. It is too wasteful. I really need to trash that stuff and get it out of my sight.
Maybe I'm being a might too hard on myself. But that white flour IS sugar when it hits the system. I've given up bagels for the same reason - pure sugar. This surely won't harm me forever although the scales are something I don't want to face for awhile after this white bread fiasco.
Enemy number 3 is portion control. If I can get a handle on these three things - certain foods, getting rid of (throwing stuff away) the tempting foods, and portion control, I'll be on my way. I'm sure of it.
I was watching Oprah yesterday, catching up on some of the stuff I have recorded. She had two very good shows, one with Michael Pollan (Food, Inc.) and one all about diabetes with Dr. Oz and others. They both supported what I'm doing. It is always nice to hear it from outside sources. I wanted to write them and tell them about the Word of Wisdom.
Michael Pollan eats all foods but he is very careful to find out where they come from. He eats meat that eats the stuff they were meant to eat (grass fed, etc.) and not the meat that sits in dark barns gobbling up antibiotics and stuff to make them get so fat, so quick, that they can't even support their own weight. Anyway, he summed it all up in seven words - "Eat food, mostly plants, not too much!"
Another support to my way of life.
She also had an actress, Alicia Silverstone ("Clueless"), who had written a cookbook, "The Kind Diet." She went cold turkey(ha) on a vegan diet. She told about how her complexion cleared up and that her eyes got clear. She reported so many benefits of this way of life. (All vegans will tell you that.) It got me thinking again. How far can I go with this diet of mine?
I felt better, almost immediately, when I ate only raw foods. Is that what I need to do? Forever?
I want to lose weight. Dr. Oz said that your waist size should be at least half the size of your height. I'm 5'5" (65 " tall) so my waist should be no bigger than 32.5. He said diabetes type 2 disappears at that size and if it is more than that you are at risk.
Lots to think about here. I just need to get really and truly committed to a life style and get some self discipline going. I need to be tough and get this job done!!! Here's when the temptation to self loathe comes in. I hate it when I fail!!! I just can't seem to get a handle on this. Last year I lost weight by eating meat and all kinds of things that I don't believe are as healthy as my diet is today, and yet this year I can't seem to shake off the pounds at all.
These are my personal rules. But Michael Pollan says it perhaps best.

"EAT FOOD, MOSTLY PLANTS, NOT TOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Day 23 - Feb.3, 2010

I've been at this 3 weeks. I'm not so sure I'm seeing any real results as far as health issues go (although I am losing less hair- yay!). I think you can eat all the right things and still not be healthy if you over do it. I mean too much of anything is usually a bad thing. Yah, I don't think too much praying would be so bad. (: There are obvious exceptions to that rule. Too much kindness? Mmmm, going to have to ponder those issues later.
You see, in section 89 of the Doctrine and Covenants, verse 11 it says, "...all these to be used with prudence and thanksgiving."
In the thesaurus it uses these synonyms for prudence: good judgment, common sense, farsightedness, caution, carefulness, good management, careful budgeting, sparingness, thrifty.
I have to believe Heavenly Father never intended for his children to binge on food. We have been told many times to be temperate, using moderation as our guidance.
1 Cor. 9:25 - "And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things."
Alma 7:23 - "And now I would that ye should be humble, and be submissive and gentle; easy to be entreated; full of patience and long-suffering; being temperate in all things; being diligent in keeping the commandments of God at all times; asking for whatsoever things ye stand in need, both spiritual and temporal; always returning thanks unto God for whatsoever things ye do receive."
I love that last scripture in particular. It really says it all, the perfect list of what we need to do to be happy and return home to Heavenly Father. Note that temperance is a part of that.
Then in D&C 59:16-20 we read (I'll just give you some of the highlights), "Yea, and the herb, and the good things which come of the earth, whether for food or for raiment, ... Yea, all things which come of the earth, in the season thereof, are made for the benefit and the use of man, both to please the eye and to gladden the heart; Yea, for food and for raiment, for taste and for smell, to strengthen the body and to enliven the soul. And it pleaseth God that he hath given all these things unto man; for unto this end were they made to be used, with judgment, not to excess, neither by extortion."
Okay, it is really a matter of common sense to use prudence when we eat. Don't over do it. That can be wasteful and harmful to everyone. I think I understand that. Giving up meat is not nearly as hard as giving up eating too much. How sad that food has become such an enemy to me and my waistline. It was never supposed to be like that.
I am realizing that the real issues and lessons to be learned here for me are not what I originally expected. I thought when I started this that giving up meat would be the hardest part for me. I really love meat. But giving up meat (for every meal), drugs, alcohol, smoking, coffee, tea? Not a big deal ! Giving up those big, filling portions - difficult and oh so important. I'm working on that. All day, I looked at food and the amount I wanted to take. Then I dished myself up half of that. I'm afraid in some cases, it was still too much. I gave into my urges a couple of times, too much soup, too much popcorn, but it's a turn in the right direction.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day 22 - Feb.2, 2010

So... following the Word of Wisdom is easy-peasy now. Nothing really to add today. I did well. I seem to do really well portion wise and otherwise until night time. Then I just sort of eat...well...too much. I'm working on that.
Not to bore you, but I had a grapefruit, part of a banana, a bean and cheese quesadilla (sp) with some homemade guacamole (just mashed the avocado and added onions and garlic salt/powder). It was a very tasty day! Oh yah, cookies. (:

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 21 - Feb. 1, 2010

It is no big deal to stay on the Word of Wisdom. I've made that a habit and a way of life. I am not struggling at this point to live this way and I am happy and content. A few years ago (and many years ago) this lifestyle would have been so radical to me. But now it is as normal a way of life as breathing. I still battle with urges for thick grilled hamburgers, but even that is lessening. I am also very comfortable doing without sugar. I have been using agave as a sweetener and have been looking for recipes that actually turn out as good as the sugar ones. The only problem I have is that sometimes I over do it, eating too many of them. I have this mind set that says because they are healthier for me, I should have as many as I want. MISTAKE! I have got to work on that...portions Pam, portions!! So as far as diet goes, I feel really good about what I'm eating.
Today marked one month of trying to eat a healthier way and trying to lose weight. I have lost a total of 11.5 lbs which means that I have lost 6.1% of my weight. I'll take that, but now comes the difficult task and that is to eat less than my body uses. I need to figure out how to eat the correct portions and then I think I'll be on my way.
Yesterday, we had Family Home Evening at my house for everyone in the area. My job was to make the treat. I made a brownie cake, cut it in small squares and drizzled chocolate frosting all over it. They said they were really good. I don't know because I didn't have any. Yay! I had just a few leftover so I'm thinking they told the truth. I also made a healthier treat for those of us who don't want to indulge in sugar. I'd like to share that recipe. I was pretty proud of myself because I tweaked it a little and it turned out better than expected. The recipe called for canola oil and it said that the cookies should turn out to be crunchy. I don't like crunchy cookies so I substituted coconut oil (the consistency of shortening) for half of it. They were so good and chewy. Now mind you my older grandchildren did not like these, but my 1 yr old grandchild gobbled them up and loved them. They got rave reviews from the adults, so here it is:

Oatmeal Cookies w/ dried fruit, nuts and agave

1 cup rolled oats
1 cup spelt flour(whole wheat or oat flour)
1 cup ground almonds
1/2 cup coconut (optional)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup raisins
1/4 cup dried cranberries (You could use any dried fruit, I used dried cherries.)
1/2 cup agave
1/4 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup canola oil
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 - 1/2 cup nuts (I used walnuts.)

Mix dry ingredients together, add dried fruit, mix, add liquids and mix.
Bake at 350 degrees for 12 minutes.

***Note - I doubled this recipe and added one egg and about 1/2 - 3/4 cup more flour. I kind of played with it a little til I thought it was the right consistency. It worked really well. They came out perfectly!!!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Day 20 - Jan. 31, 2010

My grandchildren love pancakes and waffles so this morning we all worked together to create some super healthy all grain waffles. I have the cutest waffle maker that makes heart shaped waffles. They love that. I left off the syrup and went with butter, treating the waffle more like toast than what it really was.
And next came the potluck. I was careful to eat a small scoop of soup. The Elders insisted that I try their offering and so I ended up taking a small ladle of three different types. One was a mushroom barley soup that I enjoyed a lot. All of the soups had meat in them but the nice thing about that, is that a portion of meat in a big pot of soup turns out to be very small. You can enjoy the taste meat brings into the bowl of soup without gorging on the meat itself. Yum! Someone made a fantastic salad with feta cheese, dried fruit, nuts, etc. It was amazing and I had several modest servings of that as well.
Weight-wise, I blew it on the bread. I love bread and the whiter the better. (Being somewhat of a nutritional nut that makes me feel so sinful to say.) I only eat whole wheat at home, except for the garlic bread I have occasionally, but the white bread is so good tasting. My waistline is going to suffer significantly tomorrow when I weigh in on my 1 month doing the diet day. Argh!
My daughter made fajitas for dinner. I skipped the meat and took the rice, black beans, cheese and guacamole on a whole wheat shell. It was oh so good and satisfying and this time I stopped when I wanted more. I tried to drink a lot in the evening (water) to satisfy any urges to eat something I shouldn't.
All in all, it was a Word of Wisdom kind of day. That makes me happy. I still need to work on portion control. I am not an active person in the winter. I really don't do enough exercise to burn many calories at all. In the warmer months I walk a lot. I am always out strolling the nature trails and beach.
This morning I weighed myself and was so sad to see the scale sitting on the exact numbers it had the week before. Even after eating those days of raw foods. I was really surprised. The only thing I know to do is work hard at limiting my food intake. If I can't eat healthy raw foods and lose the weight, what chance do I have???? Because I'm getting older I don't see myself doing wild and crazy work outs, but maybe I can...naw...don't think that will happen. The losing weight part of this diet isn't happening like I hoped it would - heaven help me!