Friday, January 29, 2010


I am so excited!!!
Something just happened that I can hardly believe. I just took a shower. No, that is not the miracle, ha. But what is a miracle (or close to it for me) is that my hair didn't fall out so much. Maybe that is no big deal to the world of thick haired people, but to me that is HUGE! For years I've been losing a lot of hair when I take a shower. And it got so bad one time (over the holidays) that I would run my hand through my hair as I was showering and gobs came out in my hand. It choked up the drain so that the water couldn't get through, always. I used to have so much thicker hair and now it is so thin, especially on the sides that, well let's just say - it is very sad.
But today, I had a tiny bit of hair in the drain after my shower and I didn't have to remove hair several times during my shower to let the water drain out. Wahooooo!
I don't know why this is and whether I will be able to keep more of my lovely locks in the future. Maybe it is because I'm not so horribly stressed out right now and maybe it is because I'm feeling more positive about life. Or maybe it is because I'm eating so much better. It is probably a combination of all of those things. But it must be I'm on the right track. I have heard over and over that hair and nails are a good indication of one's general health.
Now if I can just grow back what I lost, I might be able to have a pony tail once in awhile this summer. Oh, the possibilities are endless - Yay!

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