Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 17 - Jan. 28, 2010

I won't go into all the boring details of what I ate today. Pretty much I ate just like yesterday. I ate all raw, except for those canned peaches, peanut butter and the salad dressing I used tonight on my salad. I felt really good. I was able to jog for 50 minutes today. I still think I got a good workout because I could feel it in my legs and I was really sweaty. Ha!
I don't think I am going to be able to keep with the raw only diet for long though. It just isn't economical right now for me to do that. I need to add some frozen foods and grains to stretch the raw stuff out a bit. I'm going through my supplies pretty fast. I'll see how that goes.
My salad tonight had a tomato and an avocado on it. I need to work on recipes for healthier salad dressings. I used a ranch dressing tonight which wasn't so good for me, but it sure was tasty!
All in all, I am pleasantly surprised how satisfied I feel. I don't feel any cravings or like I'm missing out on anything. I do feel full and fulfilled. Yeah, I know, I'm only on day two of raw food. It will be interesting to see if it gets easier or harder and more boring.
One of the things I love about this way of eating is the ease of preparing my food. There is virtually little if any clean up and it is just a matter of chopping and putting stuff together. How easy is that? My concern is that I would really get tired of eating this way. I need to do some more research on raw food recipes. But the studying I have done, calls for dehydrators and some other gadgets that I can't afford right now. Ho hum, I'll just make due as best I can. I know Heavenly Father made this diet for everyone not just the rich among us.


  1. True true. When you figure out how to do the diet for poor people, let me know! I'm seriously sick of ramen :)

    Oh, and I know what to get you for your birthday this year ;)

  2. I'm curious to know why you've chosen to focus on the fruits and veggies verse, and sort of ignore grain being "the staff of life." I would almost say that whole grains are to be eaten above fruits and such. It seems like you feel like you'll be cheating on your diet if you eat a bowl of steel cut oats for breakfast (super filling and yummy), whereas the scripture would suggest you should eat 3 bowls a day. Just a thought!

  3. You are right about the grains. I thought I would concentrate on the fruits and veggies because in all three versions of the creation God says, "...we will give them every herb bearing seed that shall come upon the face of all the earth, and every tree which shall have fruit upon it; yea, the fruit of the tree yielding seed to them we will give it; it shall be for their meat." Abraham 4:29
    I think that we are intended to eat things raw, as they way they come from the earth. Fruits and veggies are much easier for me to eat that way. I just wanted to try it for awhile to see how I feel. I can't eat oatmeal raw very well. I just don't like it so much. I know you can sprout wheat and other seeds, which I haven't done yet. So, I just wanted to try it. I plan on re-introducing the grains soon. I guess I was just curious about it. There is a raw food movement out there and lots of recipes to try, but I think my conscience will do happily with cooked food in compliance with the Word of Wisdom. What do you think about dairy and the Word of Wisdom? I don't think I ever want to give up cheese. (:
    Thanks for the comment. It makes me think. I appreciate the question!
    What do you mean by 3 bowls a day? Where did you get that from?

  4. I just meant for every meal. 3 bowls=3 meals a day. :)

    I would never give up cheese. Even if I could guarantee being a size 0 forever! I just like it too much. :)

    I'm not really the one to ask about all of this stuff though, because I find the WOW to be very ambiguous and sort of contradictory. I'm more a spirit of the law kind of gal in this instance rather than the letter of the law. I'm certainly supportive of you doing what you feel is right though.

    Ben and I would really love to know why you feel so strongly about eating foods raw... I can't imagine that's what Joseph Smith did, and although he wasn't perfect, he was actually GIVEN the revelation, and therefore probably understood it better than anyone else who ever lived. Again, not to say that you are wrong, but I'm just curious where your belief stems from.
