Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day 30 - Feb. 10, 2010

Well, my water stopped coming. I was washing dishes and it just fizzled to nothing. Oops! Kind of scary. Yep, and that left me in a rather down mood. After ranting and raving (sorry Caitlyn) for just a little while I finally settled my brain on what to do with the matter and resolved myself to let happen what will happen. There were some positives about that. My pump had been abnormal for awhile and needed some attention anyway. It happened early enough in the week that I can hopefully get it taken care of by the weekend. And next week my income tax return comes so I can actually pay for it. Not exactly where I wanted my money to go right now, but at least I have some to pay for it. Whew!
Despite the immediate trial, I was pretty good to myself. I had my monthly visiting teaching get together and served some of the chocolate chip cookies I had made for Mon. night. I didn't eat any of them. The rest sat on the counter and stared at me all day. I was really tempted. I should have put them away but I was just a little rebellious and so I did the stare-down with those cookies all day. And my common sense won out for once. I did not partake of them, not a crumb, although the battle raged on all day. They are still sitting there waiting for my grandchildren.
I tried really hard not to let my emotions effect my eating. I did better than I expected. I ate an apple with peanut butter late in the evening which I had decided was a no-no for me. But it wasn't something so terribly bad for me. (I had gotten rid of that stuff earlier this week - Ha!)
I finished some things that needed to be done, that didn't take water. I got my new library book and just tried to relax and go with the flow, well, lack of flow. (:

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