Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 28 - Feb. 8, 2010

So 28 days makes four weeks which makes, technically speaking, one month. Yay, for me! I am patting myself on the back because I am so much happier eating this way. I feel better although I do not see any HUGE differences. My weight is not coming down very fast but we all know why that is. Too much intake. (And I'm still eating fats, like butter and cheese.)
When I contemplated eating this way a long time ago, I was so discouraged about never having sweets again. (I love sweets and I know that is NOT a part of the WoW, letter of the law-wise) I just didn't think I could go for the whole package because I could not see myself never having something special at my birthday/holidays, etc. Well, I have been making treats for Family Home Evening and I am getting some fantastic desserts made with agave. I still should not eat a lot of it but I can have some without the guilt trip that usually accompanies such a treat. Last night I made New York style cheesecake and it was as good as any I've ever eaten in a restaurant. It was fabulous. So my list lengthens, adding one more yummy thing I don't have to ever give up!

1 comment:

  1. Wahoo! It really was so yummy, the sweets you've been making.
